Customer Testimonials

What our clients have to say:

“Dan knows what he is doing; reliable, trustworthy, and on top of whatever the project may be.  If you are dealing with the city, he will help you get it resolved.”
– Shari Varnoos, Re/max


“He does what he says he does”
– Michael Kamen, Mika Company


“Dan is very attentive, efficient, and easy to work with.  There are always hiccups during construction, but Dan handles things well and professionally and we are very happy with the quality of work he and his crew provided.  In the end we feel like we got a lot of work done for the money we spent and the house feels and looks great!”
– Mariah, Homeowner


I used to do construction and understand the process and set backs that occur on any job but especially jobs dealing with older homes. I guessed there would be a few issues. Turns out there were some HUGE issues. The entire floor needed to structurally sound going down to the first floor (it’s a three story 1934 brick facade house). When a structural engineer confirmed this my heart sunk because I knew what a nightmare it was going to be. New Choice couldn’t have been any better with the situation. They worked faster and harder to accommodate us and tried to make up as much time being lost as possible.
– Ian, Homeowner

ARI W, realtor

I am a residential Realtor in LA. I have referred Dan to add a master bath in a client’s home in Eagle Rock. Dan rocked it. I will keep referring him as he skilled, professional, and trustworthy.


Antonio M, Homeowner

We hired New Choice to take an attic and turn it into a master suite getaway oasis. The end result is nothing short of fantastic.

I used to do construction and understand the process and set backs that occur on any job but especially jobs dealing with older homes. I guessed there would be a few issues. Turns out there were some HUGE issues. The entire floor needed to structurally sound going down to the first floor (it’s a three story 1934 brick facade house). When a structural engineer confirmed this my heart sunk because I knew what a nightmare it was going to be. New Choice couldn’t have been any better with the situation. They worked faster and harder to accommodate us and tried to make up as much time being lost as possible.


We had some great ideas of our own as to what our “Dream Bathroom” would look like, but never could we imagine it turning out so beautifully. Dan from New Choice made valid suggestions that in hindsight created a space that adds the maximum amount of value to our home.


I couldn’t recommend this company with any more enthusiasm than I already have. They’re great, responsive and a pleasure to work with. We have a lower unit and we have no question about the people we’re getting to do the work.


FYI I never post these things but as a first time home buyer and because of some of the previous reviews, I felt it was my responsibility to share my personal experience. If anyone wants to see pictures I’m always more than happy to share. 😉


Hear what they have to say: